
Has anyone successfully performed this scenario?

I'm installing Puppet Enterprise 3.1, and want to have the Console service 
running  on the Puppet Master.  However, I want to have the PuppetDB 
service on another server.  It seems like the installer either puts all of 
the services on one host, or separate out to three hosts.  

I saw this discussed 
in https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/puppet-users/bkki85mAs8g

However, I'm not able to get my Puppet Master to use the PuppetDB instance 
on another server.  The puppetdb.conf keeps getting overwritten with the 
hostname of the Puppet Master.

It looks like there is a puppetdb module in /opt/puppet/share/modules, so I 
thought I could define the puppetdb_server variable for my Puppet Master 

node 'ggsge-puppet-1d.cisco.com' {
  class { 'puppetdb::master::config':
    puppetdb_server => 'puppetdb',

Yet, when the agent runs, I get

Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: 
Duplicate declaration: Class[Puppetdb::Master::Config] is already declared 
in file /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/environment/production/manifests/nodes.pp:7; 
cannot redeclare at 
/opt/puppet/share/puppet/modules/pe_puppetdb/manifests/master.pp:38 on node 

Any ideas?

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