On 7 December 2013 02:29, Rafael Tomelin <rafael.tome...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Which option do I use to force installation of dependencies of a package?

What operating system are you using? The ability for dependencies to be
installed automatically depends on the underlying provider on your OS.
For example, on Red Hat type flavours of Linux, 'yum'  will be used, which
will install dependencies automatically.

> Made as follows, but appears me an error:
> package {"bacula-common":
> Ensure => installed,
>                  force => true,
> }
> puppet agent - test
> Info: Retrieving plugin
> Info: Loading facts in / var / lib / puppet / lib / facter /
> facter_dot_d.rb
> Info: Loading facts in / var / lib / puppet / lib / facter / pe_version.rb
> Info: Loading facts in / var / lib / puppet / lib / facter / root_home.rb
> Info: Loading facts in / var / lib / puppet / lib / facter /
> puppet_vardir.rb
> Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER:
> Invalid parameter force at / etc / puppet / modules / bacula-server /
> manifests / init.pp: 10 on node srvbkp.teclinux.com
> Warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
> Error: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run
> As shown at
isn't a valid parameter for the 'package' type.



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