Yes, I know that error has been posted before.  I also know why it occurs. 
 Yet, getting the Dashboard working has become a nightmare.  And for 
someone who wants to eval the entire Puppet package, this is really turning 
me off of it.

A previous post has listed this as a method of making the Dashboard work 
under apache: 
 But, The instructions listed are for RHEL and I'm using CentOS, which 
shouldn't be a big deal.  However, it seems to be a problem.  I'm really 
rather stuck on this:

cp /usr/share/puppet/ext/rack/files/apache2.conf 
/etc/httpd/conf.d/rack.conf vim /etc/httpd/conf.d/puppetmaster.conf 
(replace cert paths/filenames with corrent values) mkdir -p 
/etc/puppet/rack/public mkdir -p /etc/puppet/rack/tmp cp 
/usr/share/puppet/ext/rack/files/ /etc/puppet/rack chown puppet 

These are the RHEL6 instructions, but what gets me is do I copy 
like it says?  In the Dashboard documentation for the apache setup there is 
absolutely no mention of setting up /etc/puppet/rack.  So far, I've been 
incredibly underwhelmed, not by the quantity of the documentation but by 
the fact that it seems to be organized based on chaos theory.  

Has anyone get the dashboard to work under CentOS6?  How did you do it?

If not, where on earth do I start debugging this nightmare?

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