
Just thinking how i could manage ldap server with puppet, using dynamic configuration.
I would follow the next step :

In the manifest :

install required packages for ldap server
doing a 'site specific' basic configuration, meaning pushing a custon /etc/<ldapbasedir>/slapd.d develop some ldap type, to tweak online the ldap server. I think this would only be used for the ldap server config.
It should contain config_basic stuff, and misc supported replication types,

This should(well, maybe must) handle only the configuration of an ldap server.

I'm just thinking to my own situation, trying to be as generic as i can, but any input is very welcome, so i can put them into the code/design

I started with https://forge.puppetlabs.com/torian/ldap, but it is still using the static config for a start, althought in the master branch, the first dynamic configurations are there, using the exec resource.

But I prefer the a type/provider solution.

If anyone has some requests, remarks, critiques ... the are welcome.

I attached a 15 min brainstorm typing session of what the ldap_whatever type could look like



Johan De Wit

Open Source Consultant

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Attachment: ldap_dir_entry.rb
Description: application/ruby

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