My apologies in advance if this is a solved problem (which I hope it is), 
but I've been looking for answers for a while and haven't found anything 

Our standard OS version is moving from CentOS 5.8 to CentOS 6.4.  We're 
simultaneously getting ready to move from puppet 2.7 to 3.x.  A significant 
amount of effort has been undertaken in the past to build ruby 1.9 packages 
that install alongside system ruby as well as custom puppet packages to 
make use of the ruby 1.9 install.  I'm hoping there's a 
better/simpler/easier to maintain way to do this.  SCL seems promising, but 
it looks like custom puppet RPMs would still need to be built.  I've 
noticed that TheForeman has a ruby193-puppet package that leverages SCL, 
but it seems stalled at Puppet 3.1.1.  Short of moving to Puppet 
Enterprise, is there a prescribed or generally accepted method for running 
puppet with ruby 1.9.3?

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