On Friday, October 11, 2013 11:24:44 AM UTC-5, mike wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm configuring my linux server with puppet open and is ok. My question is 
> the next; I've a declared in mi nodes.pp the next: 
> [.............]
> node 'basenode' {
>         include 'baseos'
>         include 'motd'
>         import 'useradd.pp'
> }
> #All nodes for my domain
> node /.*\.example\.com/ inherits basenode {
> }
> [.............]
> All nodes inherit basenode, Inside the class "baseos" i've declared the 
> archive host table and various other parameters
> [.............]
>     file { "/etc/hosts":
>                         ensure  => present,
>                         owner   => root,
>                         group   => root,
>                         mode    => '664',
>                         source  => "puppet:///modules/baseos/hosts",
>                 }
> [.............]
> But I need add other node in nodes.pp  and this need apply the class 
> baseos but without /etc/hots because this use other hosts table that I 
> declared as follows:
> [.............]
> node 'newnode.example.com' inherits basenode {
>         file { "/etc/hosts":
>                 ensure => "file",
>                 source => "puppet:///modules/baseos/newnode/hosts",
>                 mode   => "644",
>         }
> }
> [.............]
> But when I go newnode and run puppet give error for duplicate "/etc/hosts" 
> declaration  
> [.............]
> Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: 
> Duplicate declaration: File[/etc/hosts] is already declared in file 
> /etc/puppet/modules/baseos/manifests/config.pp:21; cannot redeclare at 
> /etc/puppet/manifests/nodes.pp:55 on node newnode.example.com
> [.............]
> How I can assign different tables hosts for different nodes in this case?

You need to do one of these things

   - modify your baseos class so that it does not manage /etc/hosts on 
   those nodes where you want to specify a different hosts file (and perhaps 
   not on *any* node), or
   - modify your baseos class so that it manages /etc/hosts correctly for 
   all nodes, and stop re-declaring that file in node blocks, or
   - stop assigning class baseos to those nodes for which it declares the 
   wrong /etc/hosts content (relying only on node blocks or on a different 
   class in those cases).

Implicit in all of the above is this:do not assign a class to a node if you 
don't want all the resources it declares.  (There is a last-ditch 
workaround for that, but it would cause you more harm than good at your 
level of Puppet experience.)

There are multiple ways to go about those, but I hesitate to suggest 
specifics without understanding why the new node is an exception to your 
general rule.


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