On Monday, October 14, 2013 9:19:10 AM UTC+2, Erik Dalén wrote:
> On 13 October 2013 12:40, Alessandro Franceschi <a...@lab42.it<javascript:>
> > wrote:
>> Thanks for the update Eric, very useful to understand the ongoing works 
>> on data in modules.
>> On Friday, October 11, 2013 9:01:19 PM UTC+2, Dan Bode wrote:
>>> On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 11:09 AM, Eric Sorenson <
>>> eric.s...@puppetlabs.com> wrote:
>>>> Thanks to everyone who kicked the tires on the experimental data in 
>>>> modules feature included in Puppet 3.3.0. We got a lot of feedback, some 
>>>> cool proof-of-concept modules, and a definitive conclusion to the 
>>>> experiment.
>>>> The idea of including a module-specific hiera backend is centered 
>>>> around one primary use case: replacing the 'params class pattern', a 
>>>> common 
>>>> idiom in Puppet modules that's described in the [Using Parameterized 
>>>> Classes][param-classes] guide. The problem that most testers ran into 
>>>> though is that for non-trivial modules they ended up having to 
>>>> re-implement 
>>>> the Puppet DSL logic encoded in their params.pp in convoluted, non-obvious 
>>>> ways. The solutions to this led to more contortions until we'd ended up 
>>>> with the ability to execute parser functions in the right-hand-side of a 
>>>> yaml value. So something which started out trying to help separate data 
>>>> from code ended up putting code back into data!
>>>> Additionally, even after multiple attempts to simplify the surface area 
>>>> and user experience with the bindings system (described in ARM-9) that 
>>>> underlay the data-in-modules implementation, users still found its 
>>>> complexity daunting. There are some important bits of scaffolding (like an 
>>>> actual type system for Puppet!) that will prove valuable as more of the 
>>>> future parser and evaluator work that Henrik is building makes its way 
>>>> into 
>>>> the product, but in the final analysis the data in modules feature was the 
>>>> wrong vehicle to introduce them.
>>>> Refocusing on the problems users were trying to solve (and here I have 
>>>> to give shout-outs to Ashley Penney for his [puppetlabs-ntp][] branch and 
>>>> the dynamic duo of Spencer Krug/William van Hevelingen for their 
>>>> [startrek][] module) and the problems with the 'params' pattern lent some 
>>>> clarity. We've gotten into a situation of disparity with regard to hiera 
>>>> and data bindings, because data bindings enable module _users_ to use 
>>>> their 
>>>> site-wide hiera data but don't provide moduel _authors_ the same 
>>>> affordance. But rather than introduce additional complexity, we can close 
>>>> the gap for existing code patterns.
>>>> So the proposed solution at this point is:
>>>> - enable an implicit data-binding lookup against the hiera-puppet 
>>>> backend for a value of 'classname::variable' in the file 
>>>> 'modules/classname/manifests/**params.pp', which simplifies class 
>>>> definition and provides consistency with other hiera backends. As a module 
>>>> author, you'd still leave your logic for variables in params.pp, but 
>>>> they'd 
>>>> be implicitly looked up via data bindings as the class is declared, after 
>>>> consulting site-wide hiera.
>>> +1
>>> Really happy to see this solved in a way that will not lead to complex 
>>> migrations to Puppet 4.
>>> Although, to play devil's advocate, two concerns:
>>> the special nature of params as a namespace suffix:
>>> - how do users know not to use this namespace for anything else?
>>> - What if user declares resources in params? Does this fail? Do they 
>>> always get realized when anything else from that namespace is applied?
>>> the magic mapping from <x>::parameter <x>::params::parameter may be 
>>> something hard to grok for new users who are not already familiar with the 
>>> params pattern. This is probably solvable with documentation and --debug 
>>> logging, but still worth noting.
>> Yes worth noting, but as you said proper documentation might suffice.
>> Anyway +1 also for me on the lookup to params.pp (Dan this, + Puppet 3 
>> data bindings, reminds me  
>> https://github.com/example42/puppi/blob/master/lib/puppet/parser/functions/params_lookup.rb;-)
>> I'd like to add to the complexity cases , in case you haven't still 
>> sorted it out, the situations where some of the modules' params change 
>> according to user provided values to other params.
>> For example look here:
>> https://github.com/stdmod/puppet-elasticsearch/blob/master/manifests/init.pp#L124
>> the path of the configuration dir ($dir param here) change according to 
>> the value of the $install param,
>> and in order to manage this the code in the linked line is necessary.
>> I wonder how such a case could be managed with data in modules (without 
>> replicating a similar logic).
> Isn't that possible to solve by allowing one hiera value to use another 
> hiera value for interpolation?
> https://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/21367

Didn't know of this function which actually looks interesting.
Is the hiera value usable in the same hierarchy structure ?
I mean, would it be possibile to have an hiera.yaml like:

version: 3
  - category: 'osfamily'
  - category: 'operatingsystem'

  - category: '^{install}'

  - category: 'environment'
  - category: 'common'
        - 'is_virtual/${is_virtual}'
        - 'common'

Is so, then it might actually work. 

>> al
>>>> - remove the user-facing '--binder' functionality
>>>> - fix known problems with the hiera-puppet lookups ([Redmine 
>>>> 15746][15746], namely, but if there are others that are important to you 
>>>> please speak up!)
>>>> To show how this would work, I'll rework the ['smart parameter 
>>>> defaults' example][param-classes] I linked above, with my commentary 
>>>> behind 
>>>> `##` comments:
>>>>     # /etc/puppet/modules/webserver/**manifests/params.pp
>>>>     class webserver::params {   ## nothing changes here...
>>>>      $packages = $operatingsystem ? {
>>>>        /(?i-mx:ubuntu|debian)/        => 'apache2',
>>>>        /(?i-mx:centos|fedora|redhat)**/ => 'httpd',
>>>>      }
>>>>      $vhost_dir = $operatingsystem ? {
>>>>        /(?i-mx:ubuntu|debian)/        => '/etc/apache2/sites-enabled',
>>>>        /(?i-mx:centos|fedora|redhat)**/ => '/etc/httpd/conf.d',
>>>>      }
>>>>     }
>>>>     # /etc/puppet/modules/webserver/**manifests/init.pp
>>>>     class webserver(  ## inheritance is gone, and
>>>>      $packages,       ## data bindings look up the defaults
>>>>      $vhost_dir       ## as webserver::params::vhost_dir
>>>>     ) {
>>>>      package { $packages: ensure => present }
>>>>      file { 'vhost_dir':
>>>>        path   => $vhost_dir,
>>>>        ensure => directory,
>>>>        mode   => '0750',
>>>>        owner  => 'www-data',
>>>>        group  => 'root',
>>>>      }
>>>>     }
>>>>     # /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp
>>>>     node default {
>>>>       class { 'webserver': }  ## no params needed, they're in hiera
>>>>     ## then in one of my site-wide hiera layers, I can override
>>>>     ## the value without modifying the module or class declaration
>>>>     # /etc/puppet/hieradata/**snowflake.domain.com.yaml
>>>>     webserver::vhost_dir: '/some/other/dir'
>>>> This way the module author (who probably has the most work to do and 
>>>> needs the expressiveness of the DSL) can provide default data, but site 
>>>> administrators can still override it using mechanisms they're already 
>>>> using.
>>>> Note too that this is the next iteration, not necessarily the end 
>>>> state. It's super important to get this right because the whole community 
>>>> is going to have to live with it for a long time; those of you out here on 
>>>> the bleeding edge willing to risk some skin to make something awesome are 
>>>> critical to making that happen.
>>>> Eric Sorenson - eric.s...@puppetlabs.com - freenode #puppet: eric0
>>>> puppet platform // coffee // techno // bicycles
>>>> [puppetlabs-ntp]: https://github.com/apenney/**
>>>> puppetlabs-ntp/tree/data-in-**modules<https://github.com/apenney/puppetlabs-ntp/tree/data-in-modules>
>>>> [startrek]: https://github.com/pro-puppet/**puppet-module-startrek
>>>> [param-classes<https://github.com/pro-puppet/puppet-module-startrek%5Bparam-classes>]:
>>>> http://docs.puppetlabs.com/**guides/parameterized_classes.**
>>>> html#appendix-smart-parameter-**defaults<http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/parameterized_classes.html#appendix-smart-parameter-defaults>
>>>> [15746]: 
>>>> https://projects.puppetlabs.**com/issues/15746<https://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/15746>
>>>> --
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> -- 
> Erik Dalén 

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