I have write the below script in puppet language on puppet master. Now 
wants to know that, I have to call this script to be excuted from puppet 
master on End points. How do I do that ?
Class users {
  file  { '/opt/example.sh':
     ensure => prsent,
     content => "#!/bin/sh\mkdir /opt/test123\n",
     mode   => '0755',
 exec { "create test123":
    command => '/opt/example.sh',
    creates => '/opt/test123',
    require => File['/opt/example.sh'],
Do I have to place this script on end point if yes...if I place it on end 
point how do I call it from Puppet Master 
What does this command do 
mco exec run script='/opt/example/bin'

On Monday, 16 September 2013 11:55:59 UTC+5:30, Raju Patil wrote:

>  Hi,
> I am new to Puppet & just had installed Puppet master on Centos.And 
> manging Linux & Windows nodes, now I would like to deploy and execute 
> script on one of my Linux Box Remotely from 
> Puppet Master.
> Appriciate your help. Pls. share steps to be followed for achieving above 
> tast. 

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