I've been playing around with this code and have encountered several 
errors.   As noted below, there is going to be an issue with /home; 
however, I thought I could get around that by declaring that /first/, which 
won't work -- as it complains about duplicate declarations of /home.

class nfs_mounts_prod {

        define nfs_mounts {

                $server  = "ourserver.com"
                $options = 

                # These needed to be defined here, it would not work 
outside of the class definition
                $prod_mounts = [

                file { "/home":
                        ensure => directory,
                        owner  => "root",
                        group  => "root",
                        mode   => "0755",

                file { "/home/${name}":
                        ensure => directory,
                        owner  => "16326",
                        group  => "90",
                        mode   => "0755",
                        require => File["/home"],
                } # file

                mount { "/home/${name}":
                        device   => "${server}:/export/prod/${name}",
                        atboot   => yes,
                        fstype   => nfs,
                        options  => "${options}",
                        name     => "/home/${name}",
                        ensure   => mounted,
                        remounts => true,
                        pass     => "0",
                        require  => File["/home/${name}"],
                } # mount

        } # nfs_mounts

        nfs_mounts { $prod_mounts: }

} # class nfs_mounts_prod

Can you tell me what's wrong -- or if this is even going to work :-)


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