Hi everyone,

i am currently trying to reduce some redundancy in my puppet-setup. I have 
setup user-account using virtual-resources like this:

@users::account { 'xyz':
uid => '1000',
key => 'AAAsfhjujbh...'

Now i have written another simple module to setup mercurial-repositories 
with hgssh3 access-protection which uses the same 'key' as above, but i 
have to specify the key a 2nd time for the hgssh3-class:

class hgssh3 ( $users=['',''] ) {
        ensure => file,
        replace => false,
        mode   => 600,
        content => template('hgssh3/authorized_keys.erb');

I was thinking i could somehow use the key-variable from the first class in 
a the template of hgssh3 and just specify the user who should get access? 
Is this at all possible?

Thanks for every little hint or link ;)

best regards,

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