I wrote an ssh_config defined type, unpublished, to manage every sshd
config value. This allowed me to set custom options like $port,
$allowgroups, create $match and $match_conditions, etc, on a server by
servers basis.

On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 12:02 PM, jcbollinger <john.bollin...@stjude.org> wrote:
> On Sunday, September 15, 2013 10:00:16 PM UTC-5, John.1209 wrote:
>> I'm somewhat new to puppet and I have this issue with SSH.
>> Let's say I have 6 different SSH configurations.  How do I get puppet to
>> install or upgrade SSH based on the configurations?  Assume the O/S and SSHD
>> versions are all the same.
>> So let's say I have different configurations that run SSHD with the
>> following ports:
>> Port 22
>> Port 9999
>> Port 1000, and so on.
>> How can I write or modify the puppet openssh module to update the
>> different configurations?
>> Thanks in advance.
> There are two separate issues here: how to provide for variation in
> machine-to-machine configuration details within a single module, and how to
> make Puppet choose the correct configuration for each machine.  These are
> not completely separate.  But I will start by focusing on the former.
> Basically, the problem you are asking about is that of site-specific module
> data.  You need to be able to feed data about your site and the machine
> being configured into your module in order for the managed resources to be
> configured correctly.  This is where Puppet variables come in.  You can rely
> on variables defined by any declared class (including the one wherein you
> are declaring the needed resources), by the relevant node block (if any), or
> at top scope.  You can use these variables directly as or in resource
> parameter values, or you can use them in ERB templates evaluated via the
> template() or inline_template() functions.  Templates are often used for the
> content of configuration files.
> The next question, then, is how variables get their values.  There are
> several ways:
> node facts are exposed as global variables; their values are provided by the
> client as part of the catalog request
> node-scope variables are defined by node blocks, typically based on the
> target node's identity
> variables at any level can be set to the results of Puppet functions.  This
> is particularly powerful, as functions can compute their results by any
> means.  Some, such as hiera() and its siblings, are specifically designed to
> look up values in external files.
> variables that happen to be class or definition parameters can receive their
> values from explicit class or resource declarations or from default values;
> class parameters can also receive their values from an external node
> classifier (ENC) or from automated data binding via the "hiera" external
> data subsystem.
> As far as the module design goes, the best approach would probably be to
> rely on external data, with sensible default values declared where there are
> any.  For example,
> class ssh_server::config {
>   # ...
>   $port = hiera('ssh_server::config::port', 22)
>   # ...
>   file { '/etc/ssh/sshd_config':
>     ensure => file,
>     uid => 0,
>     gid => 0,
>     mode => 0600,
>     content => template('sshd_config.tmpl')
>   }
> }
> Then, somewhere in the template you have
> #...
> Port <%= @port %>
> #...
> Note that it is quite popular these days to make class parameters out of the
> characteristic data of your classes.  The practice is more popular than I
> think is warranted its technical merits, but if you wanted to go that route
> then the beginning of the above class might look something like this:
> class ssh_server::config (
>   # ... maybe other parameters ...
>   $port = 22
> ) {
>   # ...
>   file { '/etc/ssh/sshd_config':
>   #...
> John
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