 I am downloading a file from puppet master which has list of ifconfig 
command and run it using exec command on client. But it fails "change from 
notrun to 0 failed: intconfig returned 1 instead of one of [0] at". Any 
suggestion on how to overcome this error. Thanks in advance.

File content:
ifconfig eth3 up
exit 0

Puppet code:
file { $intconfigfile:
    owner => "root",
    group => "root",
    mode => "777",
    source => "puppet:///files/$intfilename",

  exec {"config_uplink":
    command => $intconfigfile,
    require => File[$intconfigfile]

err: returns: change from notrun to 0 failed: intconfig returned 1 instead 
of one of [0] at


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