I am pretty sure I still have something wrong with my set up but, I just
cannot seem to see what it is...

Notice if I attempt to decrypt vi the command line and do not indicate
"env=live",  it fails..
[root@me puppet]# hiera -c /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml rootpwd
[root@me puppet]# hiera -c /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml rootpwd
calling_module=motd env=live

[root@me puppet]# more hiera.yaml
:backends: - yaml
           - gpg

:logger: console

:hierarchy: - %{env}/%{location}/%{calling_module}
            - %{env}/%{calling_module}
            - common

   :datadir: /etc/puppet/hieradata

   :datadir: /etc/puppet/hieradata

my encrypted files are in /etc/puppet/hieradata/live

Thanks in advance for any help!

On Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 11:38 AM, Worker Bee <beeworke...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Guys;
> I really appreciate your help and apologize for the continued questions...
> however, apaprently, I am missing something here.  I cannot get this
> working.
> I have set hiera-gpg up as per the docs I can find but, I still cannot
> seem to get my manifests correct.  If someone would kindly provide a smaple
> manifest, I would be grateful!
> Also, per Craig Dunn's blog, he is placing hieradata files in
> /etc/puppet/hieradata/live.  Is the "live" subdir required?  Is there some
> sort of environment limitation that requires the files live in this subdir?
> Thank you very much!
> Bee
> On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 1:31 PM, Rich Burroughs <r...@richburroughs.com>wrote:
>>  Your manifests look the same. You do a hiera lookup just as you would
>> if you weren't using the GPG integration. It's just another data store for
>> hiera.
>> You do need to set that up, as other people have mentioned. But it's no
>> different in the manifests.
>> On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 6:30 AM, Worker Bee <beeworke...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> I am looking for some manifest examples, if anyone has any to share!
>>> On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 7:16 AM, Richard Clark <rich...@fohnet.co.uk>wrote:
>>>>  On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 05:47:41PM -0400, Worker Bee wrote:
>>>> > I am having a bit of difficulty implementing hiera-gpg; particularly
>>>> with
>>>> > accomplishing the deencryption in my manifests.  Can anyone either
>>>> provide
>>>> > a simple example or point me to a good resource?  I have searched
>>>> alot and
>>>> > am still struggling.
>>>> >
>>>> > Any help would be very appreciated!
>>>> >
>>>> > Thanks!
>>>> > Bee
>>>> You just need to have the hiera-gpg gem installed, make sure that gpg is
>>>> listed in the backends array in hiera.yaml, then the puppet user needs
>>>> to have the private key configured within it's $HOME/.gnupg -where $HOME
>>>> is usually /var/lib/puppet.
>>>> By default pgp keys are encrypted with a passphrase, which would need to
>>>> be supplied and held in a running keyring for that user, so was
>>>> previously working around this by using a non-passphrase protected
>>>> subkey.
>>>> I've now however moved away from hiera-gpg due to performance overhead
>>>> on large catalogs and moved to a git post-commit hook that decrypts any
>>>> .gpg files to .yaml within a dedicated hierarchy for decrypted files,
>>>> using that same insecure private subkey.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> --
>>>> Richard Clark
>>>> rich...@fohnet.co.uk
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