ok, that's great. Thanks for the help.

The puppet-docs it says: "*Modules are how Puppet finds the classes and 
types it can use* — it automatically loads any 
 or defined 
in its modules."

With this in mind, if "*if *defined(Class[ ])" checks for classes.. and in 
my case 'supervisor::service' is as you mentioned not a class but a define. 
Is there an equivalent like "if defined(Define[ ])" or is best practice to 
continue using "if defined('supervisor::service')" to just check for 
anything of that name.

Thanks again

On Monday, 19 August 2013 23:33:09 UTC+8, Florian Gray Jones wrote:
> Hi,
> I am learning puppet using version 2.7.18 on a fresh ubuntu install.
> I am trying to test this module 
> https://github.com/liamjbennett/puppet-sabnzbd/blob/master/manifests/init.ppbut
>  I'm having trouble with the 
> if defined(Class['supervisor::service']) section in that it doesn't get 
> run even though the supervisor module is installed.
> If i put "else{ notice("supervisor not defined?") }" on the end then I see 
> that notice msg in the 'puppet apply --debug' output.
> This supervisor module is downloaded/installed OK from Puppet Forge and 
> if I either 
> a) comment out the 'if defined' then it works as expected 
> b) *change the if *defined(Class['supervisor::service']) to read if 
> defined('supervisor::service') then it also works as expected.
> As you can see there is an "include supervisor" at top of the class which 
> I'm guessing isn't being called in the 
> order needed for the 'if defined' to work and the one without the Class[] 
> must work because puppet auto loads the modules from the modulepath
> and checks if that namespace and module exist?
> This is all new to me so i could be very wrong but can anyone explain 
> given that init.pp why the 'if defined' isn't working and what is the best
> way to achieve what the 'if defined' is there for and that's to see if the 
> supervisor module is installed/loaded before entering the if statement and 
> using the module?
> Many thanks for reading
> fLo

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