root writes:
 > Can anyone tell me why this is legal:
 >      file { "/etc/cron.d":
 >         owner  => "root",
 >         group  => "root",
 >         mode   => $operatingsystem ? {
 >            'Solaris' => "0755",
 >            default   => "0700",
 >         }
 >       }
 > ...And yet if I have any resource attributes below the "mode" selector 
 > statement, it will not parse?  

No comma after the conditional?  Like this:

         mode   => $operatingsystem ? {
            'Solaris' => "0755",
            default   => "0700",

All resource attributes use comma as a separator.  You can optionally
leave off the final comma (although style recommendations suggest you
should always end an attribute specification with a comma, mainly so
that you don't have to remember to add it if you add additional
attribute specifications).

 > (Am I doing the right thing by having a selector in my file resource?  I 
 > have a large amount of files to validate, and attributes change for many of 
 > the files, depending on the OS.)  

That is certainly one way to manage the OS-specific differences in your
resources.  If you have a lot of things that are always mode 755 in one
OS and mode 700 in another, it may be somewhat more concise to declare a
variable and use that:

$dirmode = $operatingsystem ? {
        "Solaris" => 0755,
        default   => 0700,


        file { "/etc/cron.d":
                owner  => "root",
                group => "root",
                mode   => $dirmode,

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