you can pass puppet options 
    puppet.options = ["--pluginsync","--verbose","--hiera_config 
and sync folder with hiera data 
    config.vm.synced_folder "hieradata", 

On Tuesday, July 30, 2013 5:32:36 PM UTC+3, chengkai liang wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am using Vagrant to provision a box (CentOS 6.x) with puppet 
> provisioner.  The box is built by using veewee, with ruby 1.8.7 and puppet 
> 3.2 iinstalled, and the vagrant environment layout is,
> .
> ├── Gemfile
> ├── Gemfile.lock
> ├── Rakefile
> ├── Vagrantfile
> ├── definitions
> │   └── centos-6.3.minimal
> ├── hiera
> │   └── data
> ├── iso
> │   ├── CentOS-6.3-x86_64-minimal.iso
> │   └── VBoxGuestAdditions_4.2.12.iso
> ├── puppet
> │   ├── Puppetfile
> │   ├── environments
> │   ├── manifests
> │   └── modules
> └── r10k.yaml
> Puppet will execute the puppet/manfests/default.pp for executing all the 
> modules include within in.  Now, I have the following modules list in this 
> default.pp,
> include stdlib
> i*nclude hiera_config*
> include confluence_facts
> include confluence_setup
> One thing to note is that by default, hiera.yaml was installed at 
> /etc/hiera.yaml, yet puppet is looking for hiera.yaml at 
> /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml.  As a result, hiera_config is created to remedy the 
> problem (puppet will complaint it can't find hiera.yaml in /etc/puppet 
> directory).
> Here problem, when running *vagrant destroy* -> *vagrant up*, during the 
> provision phase, puppet complaint can't find /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml, and 
> keep executing the reset of the modules but not hiera_config.  If I comment 
> out all the modules but hiera_config, then this module gets executed.  And 
> I can finally un-comment all the modules and execute them all successfully.
> Why puppet behaves in this way?  Is there a way to enforce hiera_config 
> being executed?
> -Chengkai

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