Hi folks,

When my initial attempt to install libreoffice via wheezy-backports 
didn't work, I decided to take a less elegant approach:

  exec { "libreoffice-bpo":
    command => "/usr/bin/apt-get -t wheezy-backports libreoffice \
      --yes --force-yes",
    onlyif => "/usr/bin/test `/usr/bin/dpkg -l |/bin/grep \
      libreoffice |/bin/grep -c bpo` -lt 10",
    require => Class["spell"],

Unfortunately even this doesn't work, giving "returned 100 instead of one 
of [0]", seemingly as a result of the same dependency problem.

Moreover, instead of including just "libreoffice" in the apt-get command 
line, listing every one of the other packages to be installed makes no 
difference either.

Any ideas for a workaround?



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