I'm having some issues trying to track down a problem I'm having parsing a
simple template, using create_resources and Hiera.  Here's my setup


*  variables:*
*    env: foo*
*  serverName: someServer*


*class test {*
*   create_resources(test::variables, hiera('global'))*
*    $appcfg = hiera('appSpecific')*
*   define variables($env) {*
*      file { "app_cfg":*
*                path => "/etc/app/app.cfg",*
*                owner => root,*
*                group => root,*
*                mode => 644,*
*                notify => Service["app"],*
*                content => template("test/$env.cfg.erb"),*
*          }*
*    }*

* ServerName <%= appcfg['serverName'] %>*
And this is the error I get:

*err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER:
Failed to parse template test/foo.cfg.erb:*
*  Filepath: /etc/puppet/modules/test/templates/foo.cfg.erb*
*  Line: 1*
*  Detail: wrong number of arguments*
* at /etc/puppet/modules/test/manifests/init.pp:12 on node appnode*

If I commend out the "create_resources" and the "define" blocks, the
template works just fine.  I'm guessing maybe there is a scope issue here
or something, but I haven't been able to track it down.  I've tried this:

*ServerName <%= scope.lookupvar(test::appcfg['serverName']) %>*
but still no workie.

Any pointers or advice would be appreciated.


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