On 23 July 2013 02:47, Matthew Nicholson <matthew.a.nichol...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Jonathan,
> You would want to do it on the client level, when its exporting its host
> definition, like:
> @@nagios_host { $hostname:
>       ensure => present,
>       alias => $hostname,
>       address => $ipaddress,
>       use => $template,
>       hostgroups => $hostgroups,
>       notes => "$manufacturer $productname",
>       target => "/etc/nagios/conf.d/puppet/$hostname.cfg",
>     }

I find it best to not use a target for the nagios resources.
The provider is only able to delete them if you use the default locations.

> etc.
> On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 10:08 AM, Jonathan Gazeley
> <jonathan.gaze...@bristol.ac.uk> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> We've been using Puppet to write out our Nagios configs for ages. I think
>> I understand it pretty well. Recently we've had reason to set 'target' on
>> all Nagios resources, based on the fqdn of the monitored host. However I
>> don't want to have to set 'target' by hand on all Nagios resources (nor
>> remember to set it on all future ones).
>> So my question is: what's the easiest way to bulk-set the 'target'
>> parameter according to the fqdn?
>> So far I tried setting it on the Nagios server, which didn't work because
>> $::fqdn is always the name of the Nagios server, not the monitored host
>>   Nagios_host <<| |>> {
>>     notify => Service['nagios'],
>>     target => "/etc/nagios/conf.d/${::fqdn}.cfg",
>>   }
>> I also tried including this on the monitored host, which didn't work
>> because it attempts to realise all Nagios_host resources on the monitored
>> host, not the Nagios server.
>> Nagios_host <<| |>> { target => "/etc/nagios/conf.d/${::fqdn}.cfg", }
>> Is there an easy way to easily making all nagios_* resources have a
>> fqdn-specific target?
>> Thanks,
>> Jonathan
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> Matthew Nicholson
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