Hi all, is there a way to pass the Puppets undef [1] value as parameter? I got a module with a package_provider parameter, allowing the user two things: 1. specify a specific package provider to use; 2. pass "undef" to let Puppet decide which provider to use instead of the module.
Something like: > class example( > $package_provider = $example::params::package_provider, > ) inherits example::params { > > [...] > > package { 'foobar' > ensure => 'present', > provider => $package_provider, > } > } Now I want to test if passing undef works: > context 'with parameter(s): package_provider => undef' do > let(:params) {{ > :package_provider => [WAY-TO-PASS-UNDEF-HERE], > }} > > it 'contains a package with parameter(s): provider => unset' do > should contain_package('blueprint').with({ > 'provider' => [WAY-TO-CHECK-FOR-UNDEF-HERE, > }) > end > end But my test doesn't work. What I tried so far is: 1) undef (results in RSpec/Ruby parsing error) > context 'with parameter(s): foo => undef' do > let(:params) {{ > :foo => undef, > }} > > [...] > end 2) :undef (results in Puppet error: "Syntax error at':'; expected '}'" ) > context 'with parameter(s): foo => undef' do > let(:params) {{ > :foo => :undef, > }} > > [...] > end 3) nil (does not result in an Puppet or Ruby error, but the .with_foo(nil) or .without_foo matchers do not seem to work as the string "nil" was passed tho puppet > context 'with parameter(s): foo => undef' do > let(:params) {{ > :foo => nil, > }} > > [...] > end Any hints? Thanks in advance :-) [1] <http://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/latest/reference/lang_datatypes.html#undef> -- Andreas <http://blog.andreas-haerter.com>
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