On Wednesday, July 17, 2013 12:25:18 PM UTC-5, Yaniv Kaul wrote:
> How do I verify if multiple copies are installed?

I would suggest using the 'find' command on the master to look for files 
and directories named 'puppet'.  Make sure all the results belong to the 
same Puppet install.  In your case you might pass their full names to "rpm 
-q -f" to verify that they all come from one or another of your installed 
RPMs.  I don't know whether Forrie installed from RPM; if not, then that 
part of it will need to be different for him.


> I'm using Foreman to manage the puppet master on the same host, but I 
> don't think it has caused any issues. I don't think #1 above is what 
> happened to me - I've tried with a completely new client.
> I must emphasize that apart from the CA's certificate, I'm not seeing 
> anything under 'puppet cert --list --all'.
> Is there any debug flag I can enable to provide debug output on the master 
> for the signing process?
If you are running the master as a standalone daemon (i.e. using its 
built-in "webrick" server) then you should be able to start it as

puppet master --debug

to enable debug logging.  If you are running the master under Passenger, 
then you may be able to turn on debug logging by modifying your config.ru 
file to pass the --debug option to the master.


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