
So from a guess based on the name of the script it installs some
javascript file somewhere.
Am I correct?
With maybe something extra like optimising it afterwards?

Is there any reason you can't optimize that file and get puppet to
"install" it on your node?
This will give you a whole lot more repeatability than using a script.
You could even put in in an rpm or dpkg and put it in local repository
and install it as a package.

On 19 May 2013 21:01, flip <flipk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> i want to deploy a build script, run it and delete if afterwards.
> To deploy and run, i use this:
>   file { "/root/get_phantomjs.sh":
>     ensure => present,
>     mode => "0700",
>     source => "puppet:///modules/phantomjs/get_phantomjs.sh",
>     require => Package["libfontconfig1-dev"],
>   }
>   exec { "/root/get_phantomjs.sh":
>     creates => "/usr/local/bin/phantomjs",
>     require => File["/root/get_phantomjs.sh"],
>   }
> What would be an elegant way to delete the get_phantom.js file after the
> exec?
> flip
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