That might work for me if I did not hate Perl.

No offense to folks that like it, but I had a very nasty experience with it 
early in my computer-career that pushed me away from it.

I will still check it out.  Thanks for the pointer.

I am currently using Cobbler with Puppet.  I know this combo can create VM’s -- 
already did it -- but I have been gaining understanding how VMWare works from 
its own kind of “templates”, and I would like to see if I can handle them with 
Puppet.  I know Enterprise Puppet can do it, but I do not have access to a 
bottomless budget :(

On Jun 20, 2013, at 8:53 PM, Michael Dodwell wrote:

> Take a look at the Viper toolkit from VMWare. You can then create a script 
> with the examples given and then use puppet to run the scripts to do stuff 
> that you want.
> Personally I use a VMA server to create instances, Razor to kickstart and 
> register them against a puppetmaster, then puppet master to configure and 
> deploy..
> On the VMA server I've setup some php to allow users to kick off perl scripts 
> that start the build process.
> If only PL would release a reasonably priced Enterprise (without support 
> even!) edition.... 
> On Friday, June 21, 2013 7:39:57 AM UTC+10, Ygor wrote:
> But I'd rather be certain of the answer than guess or try it and go down in 
> flames:
> The question:  Can one integrate VMWare with Open Source Puppet ?  Or is this 
> a Puppet-Enterprise-only thing ?

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