Hi John,

Sorry for the delayed reply.

On 05/06/2013, at 11:51 PM, jcbollinger <john.bollin...@stjude.org> wrote:
>> Sorry, I should have been clearer that this occurs when Package[package-434] 
>> IS declared elsewhere. "!defined(Package[package-434])" therefore is false, 
>> so just by referencing the existing declaration within the defined() call it 
>> seems to incite an implicit dependency. 
> If that's really what's happening then you should be able to create a simple 
> test case that demonstrates it.  That would be a worthy subject for a bug 
> report.

I'll see what I can do.

>>>> Is this implicit dependency expected behaviour or am I doing something 
>>>> Bad(tm)? 
>>> Both. 
>>> Supposing that the target package is not declared elsewhere (so that the 
>>> !defined() condition is true) the definition will declare the package 
>>> itself to ensure it absent, and in that case you would expect a 
>>> relationship between the defined-type instance and the resource declared by 
>>> it.  If elsewhere you have specific references to that package, applicable 
>>> resource parameter defaults, or collectors that will match that package, 
>>> then you can get relationships with it that are not evident from the 
>>> defined type body. 
>>> On the other hand, defined() is evil.  Do not use it.  Ever. 
>> I had this discussion with someone on #puppet IRC earlier and they ended up 
>> with "Oh, in your case, defined() is probably actually what you want." 
> No.  defined() is never what you want.  It may at times seem expedient, but 
> it's bad news every time.

OK, understood.

>> define myapp ($requested_package){ 
>>  package { $requested_package: 
>>    ensure => present 
>>  } 
>>  define package_cleanup { 
>>    $installed_package = $title 
>>    if $installed_package != $requested_package { 
>>      package { $installed_package: 
>>        ensure => purged 
>>      } 
>>    } 
>>  } 
>>  # assuming a facter fact named 'installed_packages' 
>>  package_cleanup { split($::installed_packages, ','): } 
>> } 
> I don't much like that general approach in the first place on account of the 
> $requested_package parameter.  That you encounter difficulty when you try 
> something a bit dodgy should not be surprising.

Can you explain this further so I can understand the issue?

> In fact, despite my dissatisfaction with your approach, you can indeed do 
> this without defined(), and without even disrupting your current structure 
> very much.  Here's one way I think would work:
> # This class ensures all known app packages are
> # by default purged
> class app::packages {
>    $apps = split($::app_packages, ',') 
>    package { $apps:
>        ensure => 'purged'
>    }
> }
> # Overrides the requested package to be declared
> # present instead of purged.
> define app::myapp($requested_package) {
>    include 'app::packages'
>    Package<| title == $requested_package |> {
>        ensure => 'present'
>    }
> }
> # no separate package_cleanup required

OK, I wondered whether we could do something like this however - forgive my 
naivety - I still can't see how this could be a complete solution without 
something like defined().

As an example... your above snippet works fine to ensure already installed 
packages remain installed, but what if we wanted to install a brand new version 
of app::myapp?  Because a 'package' resource with title $requested_package does 
not yet exist, the Package<||> collector matches no resources and the new 
package is not installed.  The only solution that I can come up with is to 
check whether such a resource is already defined and, if not, define one.

Your guidance is appreciated.


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