Yes, therefore we use stdlib 3.2.0.


Am Dienstag, 11. Juni 2013 14:53:50 UTC+2 schrieb jcbollinger:
> On Tuesday, June 11, 2013 1:10:16 AM UTC-5, c!w wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have a tricky problem where I need your support. We use the regsubst 
>> function in one of our manifests to extract certain information from the 
>> fqdn. That code is running in production since months and does extactly 
>> what it should.
>> 7:  $customer = upcase(regsubst($::fqdn, '(^[^-]*)-[^-]*.*', "\\1"))
>> 8:  $environment = upcase(regsubst($::hostname, '^[^-]*-([^-]*).*', 
>> "\\1"))
>> 9:  $product = upcase(regsubst($::hostname, '^[^-]*-[^-]*-([^\.1-9]*).*', 
>> "\\1"))
>> Last week I discovered the stdlib module from PuppetLabs and gave it a 
>> try. Really nice functions, and I used them of course for my next module. 
>> But since then it looks like the regsubst function is not working anymore.
>> err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: 
>> Function 'regsubst' does not return a value at 
>> /etc/puppet/environments/dev_foo/modules/auth/manifests/hosting.pp:7 on 
>> node
>> It even fails when I run puppet against a environment without the stdlib 
>> module, which confuses me most.
> That part confuses me least.  Puppet does not segregate custom functions 
> or types  based on environment.  If one of the stdlib native components is 
> somehow breaking regsubst(), then it is to be expected that it would be 
> seen in all environments.
>> Does anybody of you have an idea, why that code now fails? We use 
>> Puppet 2.7.18.
> And what version of stdlib did you install?  Support for Puppet 2.7 was 
> dropped as of stdlib 4.0.0.  (Current is 4.1.0; see 
>  Like most other things 
> Puppet, stdlib moves fairly quickly, so stdlib 3 isn't actually all that 
> old.
> John

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