On 20 May 2013 23:31, jcbollinger <john.bollin...@stjude.org> wrote:

> On Sunday, May 19, 2013 10:43:19 PM UTC-5, Pete wrote:
>> You may want to have a look here.
>> http://docs.puppetlabs.com/**guides/upgrading.html<http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/upgrading.html>
>> and here
>> http://docs.puppetlabs.com/**puppet/3/reference/release_**
>> notes.html#backwards-**incompatible-changes-in-30<http://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/3/reference/release_notes.html#backwards-incompatible-changes-in-30>
> Those are good documents to read, but neither appears to discuss the
> specific issue at hand.  As it turns out, the URI format in question was
> deprecated long before Puppet 3.  In fact, I think it was already
> deprecated in the OP's v. 0.25.4, and I'm sure it was deprecated by the
> next major version, 2.6.

Yep that's true.
It has been a while since I had a 0.25 server.

> There is no workaround short of hacking the master, but the manifest text
> that needs modified (to resolve this particular issue) is pretty
> distinctive, and the change needed is pretty straightforward.  It shouldn't
> be too hard to automate the change via sed.  Something like
> find /etc/puppet/modules -name '*.pp' -exec /bin/sed -i -e
> 's,puppet:///,puppet:///modules/,g' {} ';'
> would probably do the trick if every single puppet: URI needs changed.
> Accommodation could also be made for URIs that are already in the needed
> form, if necessary.
> Note: that command is untested.  Understand what it does, and how, and why
> before running it.  Back up your manifests first.
> Note, too, that the newer form is compatible with Puppet 0.25 (as I
> recall), so it should be possible to perform the URI update separately from
> the Puppet update, so as to test the former first.
> There are way too many changed between 0.25.4 and 3.1.1
>> You just hit the biggest.
> I can't agree that the URI format is the biggest change.  I think far and
> away the biggest is the removal of dynamic scoping (after its deprecation
> in Puppet 2.7).  Still v0.25 -> v3.1 is a very big upgrade.  I would
> recommend upgrading first to Puppet 2.7 for a short transition period in
> order to be warned of dynamic scope uses, and possibly of uses of other
> deprecated features.  A significant purpose of v2.7 was to help users
> prepare for v3, and it can still serve that purpose.  I don't recall
> offhand whether v2.7 still recognizes the old URI form, though.

Again this is true.
It was the biggest change in my upgrade cycle and I never relied of dynamic
scoping so it slipped my mind.

> John
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