Just delved into my history :

Do not forget to set this VAR :
export RUBYLIB=/var/lib/puppet/lib/

facter --yaml > /tmp/facter.yaml to generate a yaml file of the facts, which can be passed to hiera.

hiera  --debug --config /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml test -y /tmp/facter.yaml

or just passing a single fact

hiera  --debug --config /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml test hostname=testhost


On 05/01/2013 12:52 AM, Denmat wrote:

Run the master in no-daemonize and debug. You will see how it searches through your hierarchy that way.

Also you can use the command line on the master to query hiera. See puppet docs for details.


On 01/05/2013, at 2:46, lth <lthar...@gmail.com <mailto:lthar...@gmail.com>> wrote:

I'm using puppet 3.1 and I want to figure out why hiera seems to be looking in the wrong place and getting the wrong value.

I found a post from this group saying to run puppet -d on the master and look in the log. Having done that I still don't see anything hiera related except for where puppet reads hiera_config from puppet.conf, nor do I see anything about the automatic parameter lookup or where I use the heira() function to assign another variable.

I tried both:
puppet agent -t --environment=devel --logdest=/tmp/puppet_agent.log --debug puppet master --debug --no-daemonize --logdest=/tmp/puppet.log --compile=vb271-puppet.vm --environment=devel

neither of which gave me anything useful.  What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance.
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Johan De Wit

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