Afternoon/Evening all

It looks like Puppet is starting to get some traction within my organisation, 
with several other teams asking what Puppet can do for them :-) 

The main use I'm getting asked about is one touch deployment of our products by 
Dev teams... 

On the surface it shouldn't be too hard, and I've already got a model in mind. 

However one of the considerations is making the Puppet code maintainable by Dev 
aswell as me in Ops/Implementation... 

Currently, I've got one model that does all our Puppet stuff, such as based 
configuring servers, installing oracle, installing monitoring, configuring 
databases, etc. I do hook in some common modules as and when needed. 

So i can either continue this model and build it out to handle product 
deployments aswell. 
Or I can turn it on its head, and write modules specific to the product 
deployment, pulling in stuff from our core model where useful... 
This means that Dev can maintain their own product modules, and with a liberal 
spread of continuous integration testing, should be able to handle new product 
module requirements separately to core model changes :-) 

So, thoughts welcome. 
Any pros/cons to above? Or any better way of handling it? 

Thanks in advance for any responses. 


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