On Mon, Apr 22, 2013 at 4:56 PM, Jeff B <jeffb.l...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've been hitting this issue for a long time. well over a year and I guess
> it's time to start pushing it to try to find the root cause.  I've seen
> this reported several times in the past but I've never seen a resolution
> found for this exact problems.  There are other root causes for pson errors
> that have been resolved, but not for the ones describing my problem.
> What we're finding is that often times the catalog is getting chopped off
> at some seemingly random point in the file.  If you run puppet agent
> multiple times in a row each time it will cut off at always different parts.

Hi Jeff,

At the risk of this looking like a "when all you have is a hammer,
everything looks like a nail" type response, whenever I've seen random
failures like this, it's because the puppetmaster can't cope with the load
being driven to it.  Are you running your puppetmaster behind a web server
such as Apache/Passenger or nginx/Passenger?  If not, and dependent on the
number of clients and their runinterval, you may be hitting a bottleneck
caused by Puppet's internal webserver's (Webrick's) single-threaded nature.



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