I'm seeing an interesting dependency issue, based on scoping of default types.  
Using 3.1.1  & aware of 

Our mongo::repos class is inheriting the File default that is set in the mongo 
This leads to a dependency circle, since we're using the default to set a 
require of a package for every file.

:I would have thought the scoping rules would have prevented that from 

(I've cut most of the unnecessary stuff.)

The 2 easiest ways to fix this would be to  use yumrepo in the repos function, 
or to just put the require parameter on each file, and skip the default.

I'm more interested in why it produced the loop.

#Notes:  repos is a defined class that places a file into the correct place..  
It isn't using the yum_repo type for this, yet.

class mongo::repos {

class mongo ($repl_set=undef) {
  class {'mongo::repos': stage => first,}
  package { "mongo20-10gen-server":
    ensure => installed,

  File {
    require => Package['mongo20-10gen-server']

  file { 
      ensure  => present,
      mode    => 755,
      owner   => 'root',
      group   => 'root',
      source  => 'puppet:///modules/mongo/mongod',
      require => Package['mongo20-10gen-server'];

Matthew Barr
Technical Architect
E: mb...@snap-interactive.com
AIM: matthewbarr1
c:  (646) 727-0535

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