Dynamic data source - It says I should use %{::variable} notation for the 
hierarchy in the hiera.yaml file.

RHEL 5, Puppet 3.1.1, Hiera 1.2.0

/etc/puppet/hiera.yaml : 
  - yaml  
  :datadir: '/etc/puppet/hieradata'
:logger: console 
  - %{environment}/common
  - common

/etc/puppet/hieradata/common.yaml : 
#foo:  barr

/etc/puppet/hieradata/dev/common.yaml : 
foo:  boo

If I use the "::" top level scope, it does not work.

[root puppet]# hiera foo -d -c /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml environment=dev 
DEBUG: Mon Apr 15 12:52:51 -0400 2013: Hiera YAML backend starting
DEBUG: Mon Apr 15 12:52:51 -0400 2013: Looking up foo in YAML backend
DEBUG: Mon Apr 15 12:52:51 -0400 2013: Looking for data source common

If I remove the double-colon, (and restart puppetmaster) it works.

[root puppet]# hiera foo -d -c /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml environment=dev 
DEBUG: Mon Apr 15 12:53:11 -0400 2013: Hiera YAML backend starting
DEBUG: Mon Apr 15 12:53:11 -0400 2013: Looking up foo in YAML backend
DEBUG: Mon Apr 15 12:53:11 -0400 2013: Looking for data source dev/common
DEBUG: Mon Apr 15 12:53:11 -0400 2013: Found foo in dev/common

The debug output from the first try even shows that it is not looking for the 

What am I doing wrong, please ?

“Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in 
the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.”
Bill Waterson (Calvin & Hobbes)

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