At work we add a tag for when setting up the nagios checks in puppet

tag "nagios_env:$environment"

then when we realize or export the check

We link the generation to the tag

Nagios_serviceescalation <<| tag == "nagios_env:$environment" |>> {
                require =>      Service["nagios"],
                notify => Exec["nagios-safe-restart"],

and since $environment is built in and assigned to every host elsewhere the
checks appear on the correct nagios server, provided they were deployed to
the correct environment.


On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 9:01 AM, Phil Cole <> wrote:

> Hi,
> For several years, we have @work had a puppet environment where when we
> add a new host/node, some basic monitoring is fed through to a nagios
> server using virtual resources and an old nagios class which either someone
> here wrote themselves, or found on the internet at the time.
> We are trying to move away from the existing puppet environment for a
> number of reasons, and using this as an opportunity to tidy up our puppet
> classes wherever possible.
> Nagios integration is one area that we haven't yet got our heads around.
> We would like (I think...) to be able to:
> * add a new node to puppet and give it an identifier to say whether it's
> (say) dev/test/production etc
> * for the new node, define a number of basic monitors - ping, ssh etc.
> * have a number of nagios servers (also defined in puppet) which collect
> the appropriate resources for dev or test or production
> ie, a "dev" node would be monitored by nagios instance 1
> a "test" node would be monitored by nagios instance 2
> a "production" node would be monitored by nagios instance 3
> etc
> But I'm struggling to see how I can collect the appropriate resources up
> on each nagios server.
> Has anyone tried this sort of thing?  Can it be done?
> Any pointers in the 'right' direction appreciated.  If it's documented
> anywhere and it's just a case of RTFM, please point me in the direction of
> which manual to read :)
> Thanks in advance
> Phil
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