Thanks for the help. I ended up removing the postgres user on the puppet 
agent machine and directing puppet in the module manifest file to create 
the postgres user. And now Exec ["postgres init"] runs properly. 

On Tuesday, March 19, 2013 10:30:09 AM UTC-4, Brandon Groves wrote:
> I am using Puppet 3.1.0 on a CentOS  6.3 machines. The puppet master and 
> puppet agents use CentOS 6.3 as their OS. I have a puppet script (init.pp 
> file for the puppet module) that contains the following exec type:
> exec { "postgres init":
> cwd => "/applications/module",
> command => "bash",
> user => "postgres",
> group => "postgres"
> }
>  As the code alludes to, I am directing puppet to initialize a PostgreSQL 
> database via a shell script. cwd changes the working directory to the 
> module's destination, and the initializePostgres shell script is executed 
> as user postgres (belonging to group postgres). The puppet agents OS has a 
> user postgres belonging to group postgres.
> The shell script contains an initdb command that initializes a postgres 
> PGDATA directory, and both have the following permissions:
> [root@host]# ls -al
> -rwxr-x---. 1 postgres postgres 2231 Mar 14 18:04
> [root@host]# ls -ald data
> drwxr-xr-x. 2 postgres postgres 4096 Mar 18 17:34 data
> When Exec ["postgres init"] is ran, /var/log/messages on the the puppet 
> agent has several lines printed similar to the following:
> kernel: type=1400 audit(1363697390.681:566): avc:  denied  { read write } 
> for  pid=14834 comm="postgres" path="/tmp/puppet20130319-14620-1wpyixh-0" 
> dev=dm-0 ino=1702615 scontext=unconf
> ined_u:system_r:postgresql_t:s0 
> tcontext=unconfined_u:object_r:initrc_tmp_t:s0 tclass=file
> Basically, the messages are complaining that user postgres, via the 
> execution of initdb PostrgreSQL command, cannot write files to data, the 
> destined PGDATA directory, which has proper permissions as shown above by 
> the ls -ald data.
> So, the problem is that Exec ["postgres init"] does not run as expected 
> because the initdb command in the shell script fails to write files to the 
> data directory. All the permissions on the files and directories are 
> correct and when I do:
> [root@host]# su postgres
> bash-4.1$ ./
> , the script works  correctly without error.
> Any help is appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Brandon

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