Dear all,

I wrote a custom fact, which returns a comma separated list of addr:port, 
like this: 

>     sb_intl_conn => 
> sbcms-t:22,sbsql05-wvuk-inst5:1434,sborc07-uk-t:1533,..,..,..

The number of elements in the string varies from node to node. I need to do 
a Nagios tcp-port-check on each of them. I think sb_intl_conn.split(",")will 
turn this string into an array and then how can I iterate over it to 
do something like this? 

    @@nagios_service { "check_stat_${::fqdn}_${addr}_${port}":
>         use                 => 'generic-service',
>         check_command       => "remote-nrpe-tcp-check!${addr}!${port}",
>         service_description => "V2::CON: ${addr} [Palms]",
>         display_name        => "Connection check: ${addr}:${port}",
>         servicegroups       => 'batch-worker',
>         hostgroup_name      => 'batch-job',
>     }

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Cheers!!  

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