On Sunday, March 10, 2013 11:31:49 AM UTC-5, mike wrote:
> Hello,
> I change the sintax for my class and the instance for this inside site.pp 
> , but I still have problem when run the agent from node:
> [................]
> [root@nodo1 ~]#  puppet agent --test  --noop
> Info: Retrieving plugin
> Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: 
> Invalid parameter group at /etc/puppet/modules/users/manifests/init.pp:11 
> on node nodo1.example.com
> Warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
> Error: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run
> [................]
> My user manifests: 
> [root@master ~]# cat  /etc/puppet/modules/users/manifests/init.pp
> define users::add_user ($user, $uid) {
> user { $user:
>                 ensure  => present,
> home    => "/home/${user}",
>                 owner   => $user,
>                 group   => $user,
>                 mode    => 0600,
>  uid => $uid,
>         gid => $uid,
>             }

The User type has no property named 'group' (exactly as the error message 
says).  See the type docs: 

There is a property named 'groups' (note the 's'), but that is for 
specifying the user's *secondary* groups only.  After removing that, you 
would find that the User type also does not have properties 'owner' or 
'mode', so remove those, too.

Next, you may notice that you are inconsistent in your naming.  You declare 
a File["/home/$username"], but everywhere else the user name variable is 
spelled $user.  This one could be insidious, as "/home/$username" probably 
becomes just "/home/", which exists, so you will manage a different 
directory than you intended to do.

You may also trip over your wrong-direction relationship between 
User[$user] and Group[$user].  You need to apply the group first, because 
creating the user is likely to fail if the primary group to which you are 
assigning him does not already exist.  You could change the 'require' in 
Group[$user] (only that one) to a 'before', but you could also just remove 
it, because Puppet will generate the correct relationship automatically in 
that particular case (see the "Autorequires" section in the type docs).


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