
I am getting a perplexing message on a client:

Mar  8 11:49:06 matlab puppet-agent[2028]: Could not run Puppet
configuration client: Could not find dependency Class[Matlab] for
File[/usr/local/MATLAB/R2012a/etc/license.dat] at

In my node manifest I have the "include matlab" line:

root@neptune:/etc/puppet/modules# cat /etc/puppet/manifests/debian/matlab.pp
node matlab {
    include base
    include nfs_systeam_client
    include libnss_db
    include set_root_environment
    include postfix

    include sun_java6
    include matlab

    # This package is needed so that certain executables will work.
    # Such as: /usr/local/MATLAB/R2012a/etc/glnxa64/lmhostid
    package { "lsb":           ensure => present, }

    file { "/usr/tmp":
        owner  => "daemon",
        ensure => directory,
        mode   => 0755,
    file { "/usr/local/MATLAB/R2012a/etc/license.dat":
        source  => "puppet:///private/usr/local/MATLAB/R2012a/etc/license.dat",
        require => Class["matlab"],
        notify  => Service["matlab"],
    file { "/etc/fw-skel/start.d/700-allow-matlab-flex-lm":
        source  =>
        require => Class["fw_skel::install"],
        notify  => Service["fw-skel"],


And my module seems simple enough:

root@neptune:/etc/puppet/modules# cat
# Install the proprietary software outside of puppet.
class matlab::install {
    file { "/etc/init.d/matlab":
        mode    => 0755,
        source  => "puppet:///modules/matlab/etc/init.d/matlab",
    exec { "install_matlab_service":
        command => "insserv matlab",
        unless  => "grep --quiet matlab /etc/init.d/.depend.*",
        require => File["/etc/init.d/matlab"],

class matlab::service {
    service { "matlab":
        ensure     => running,
        enable     => true,
        hasrestart => true,
        # This is needed because we are "ensuring that matlab is 'running'".
        # I believe that this version of puppet (currently 2.6) greps the ps
        # table for the service name, but the actual matlab binary is the
        # following.
        # TODO check to see if the following pattern line is needed for puppet
        # 2.7.
        pattern    => "/var/tmp/lm_TMW.ld",
        require    => Class["matlab::install"],

class matlab {
    include matlab::install
    include matlab::service

Is there something I am missing?

I am running:

Debian Testing for puppetmaster: 2.7.18-2
Debian Stable for puppet: 2.6.2-5+squeeze6

Thanks for any help!


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