Google to the rescue again... 

Stumbled across this link:

This suggested using the "inline_template" function to do an erb evaluation 
of my variable... 

So changed the following line: 
  # Get export path fact for db
  $oracle_sid_lower = downcase($oracle_sid)
  $fact_name = "clone_${oracle_sid_lower}"
  # Use an inline template to lookup dynamically generated fact name
  $export_line = inline_template('<%= scope.lookupvar(fact_name) %>')

And hey-presto, it works... :D


On Friday, 8 March 2013 10:54:53 UTC, Gavin Williams wrote:
> Ok, next challenge now I've got these facts is how to get the values out 
> of them in my Puppet manifests :S
> As it's now an auto-generated name, I've got to work out a dynamic fact 
> name, and then pull that value back... 
> Have tried a few different code combos, however i'm not getting any luck 
> :( 
> Is this something that's just not possible, or am I missing a trick? I'm 
> hoping the latter... 
> Cheers
> Gav
> On Friday, 8 March 2013 09:50:44 UTC, Gavin Williams wrote:
>> Ok, looks like I wasn't googling hard-enough :( 
>> Managed to find Nan Liu's Puppetlabs blog post Facter Part 3: Caching 
>> and TTL <>, 
>> which showed how to generate multiple facter facts on the fly :) 
>> So after a bit of coding came up with: 
>> Cheers 
>> Gav
>> On Friday, 8 March 2013 09:12:55 UTC, Gavin Williams wrote:
>>> Morning all
>>> I'm currently trying to work out a method to auto-generate a set of 
>>> facts. 
>>> These facts need to contain information about what database clones have 
>>> been created using NetApp SnapManager for Oracle on a given Host... 
>>> I need the fact to give the following information:
>>> clone_ACREPC11 => 
>>> ACREPC11 is an generated database SID that will change across clones, 
>>> and the value is an auto-generated NFS export path... 
>>> The export path is going to be grepped out of the fstab, which I can 
>>> handle :D
>>> However there could be multiple clones on a given host, so ideally I 
>>> want one fact file to generate all the required facts... 
>>> Possible? 
>>> Cheers
>>> Gavin 

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