On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 10:42 AM, Tiago Cruz <tiago.tuxkil...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello,
> What's the problem with this syntax:
>         package { 'redhat-lsb':
>               ensure => present,
>               before => File['/etc/yum.repos.d/rpmforge.repo'],
>         }
>         file { '/etc/yum.repos.d/rpmforge.repo':
>                 mode => 644,
>                 owner => root,
>                 content => template("base/rpmforge.repo.erb"),
>                 require => Package["redhat-lsb"],
>         }
> The "before" and "require" its not working, 'Cause I still getting this
> message:
> Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Failed
> to parse template base/rpmforge.repo.erb: Could not find value for
> 'lsbmajdistrelease' at
> 4:/etc/puppet/modules/base/templates/rpmforge.repo.erb at
> /etc/puppet/modules/base/manifests/repository.pp:23
> I'm using "lsbmajdistrelease" to discover the verstion of CentOS, but I've
> noticed that some hosts has broken, because the package "redhat-lsb" is
> missing. If I install the package with yum, everything works well, but I
> would like to solve this with puppet.

You can't update fact information during a puppet run. Puppet either have
or don't have lsb facts when applying the catalog, installing the package
to satisfy the dependency won't help that particular puppet run (only the
next one). I also find redhat-lsb package to be hideously large dependency
for answering such a basic fact. Here's one possible work around (as long
you don't need lsbrelease): https://forge.puppetlabs.com/nanliu/lsb



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