On 13 February 2013 19:41, Matthias Viehweger

> Hi Oliver!
> On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 07:53:55PM -0800, oliver zhang wrote:
> > How do I do this in puppet:
> >
> > if process A is running, do nothing.
> >
> > else mount share and install package A
> >
> > I couldn't find any reference about this.
> I would first ensure that the process is running (assuming that it's a
> service). The service would require the package which would require the
> share to be mounted.


I was just about to recommend doing it in a similar way.
It's not too tricky to make a service in linux if your application isn't
already one.

A rough outline would be:
>   service { 'A':
>     ensure => running,
>     require => Package['A'];
>   }
>   package { 'A':
>      ensure => installed,
>      require => Exec['mount share'];
>   }
>   exec { 'mount share':
>     command => '...',
>     if => command to check if not mounted;
>   }
> I may be wrong, of course, but this would be my first try to resolve
> this.

Nope not wrong at all.
I would probably recommend putting them in separate subclasses and then
using class chaining or require => Class[blah::service] etc
to make it easier to add new packages or services later but the theory is
the same.

> Cheers,
> Matthias
> --
> Serververwaltung und Softwareentwicklung
> https://www.heute-kaufen.de
> Prinzessinnenstraße 20 - 10969 Berlin

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