On Feb 8, 2013 8:35 PM, "Jo Rhett" <jrh...@netconsonance.com> wrote:
> So PL has been telling us that puppet kick is dead, and to shift to
mcollective agent. The idea of getting away from 800mb puppet agents has a
lot of appeal. Here's some advisories and bugs to watch before you make the
shift. If you are preparing to make the shift, you may want to go to these
bugs and vote for them, since you'll be a lot happier when they are fixed.
> 1. You can't control puppet daemon without killing puppet mid-run
> So when you shift away from puppet daemon to cron-run puppet you're going
to say "Hey! I know how to do this!"
>   service { 'puppet':
>       ensure      => stopped,
>       enable      => false,
>       require     => File['/etc/cron.d/puppet','/etc/puppet/puppet.conf'],
>   }
> Well, not so fast. On CentOS, it turns out that "puppet agent --test"
works fine, but "puppet agent --onetime" is caught by this and killed by
itself mid-run. Depending on the host and your dependency trees, this could
be very early or very late in the run. No kidding, you have to deploy
'monit' or something similar to ensure your puppet agents aren't running in
daemon mode.

As long as you run them with --no-daemonize you should be safe. Which is
one of the things --test turns on.

> 2. No classes file. http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/show/7917
> Mcollective agent for puppet gives you some really nice features, like
being able to do things against hosts on which certain puppet classes are
applied. For instance, to update all webservers you might do something like:
> $ mco puppet agent runonce --batch 5 --with-class webserver
> Unfortunately, once you shift away from puppet agent, puppet no longer
writes out the classes.txt file. So this method of filtering your mco
commands isn't available.

Hmm, I'm quite sure that file is written out for us at least. But can check.

> 3. There's no documented best way to run puppet from cron.
> I suspect PL hasn't put down a recipe for this since Puppet Commander
hasn't been updated to work with Puppet 3 yet. That's probably the answer,
but it's not available yet. This might be a good reason to wait.
> We settled on the many-year-old version of running it from cron with
fqdn_rand(30). Given the numerous problems with the cron resource, we did
this in a separate cron.d file like so:
>  # two variables to control puppet run time
>     $first_minute  = fqdn_rand(30)
>     $second_minute = $first_minute + 30
>     file { "/etc/cron.d/puppet":
>         owner   => root,
>         group   => root,
>         mode    => 0444,
>         content => template('puppet/cron-puppet'),
>         require => Package['puppet'],
>     }
> There might be a better way, but I couldn't find it. I'd really like to
see a "best practice" recommendation from PuppetLabs.

That is how we run it as well. Although we also have a small wrapper script
around it to allow us to disable cron runs but still allow manual runs.

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