On Monday, February 4, 2013 9:40:41 AM UTC-6, Andriy Yurchuk wrote:
> To be able to do this with purge I need to pass the list of subdirectories 
> I want to exist to source attribute, but I'm not sure I can do this
> On Monday, February 4, 2013 2:57:20 PM UTC+2, 刘长元 wrote:
>> "but this does not remove the directories from the node if I remove them 
>> from deployment.yml.   maybe purge attribute can  do this.
>> On Monday, February 4, 2013 7:58:37 PM UTC+8, Andriy Yurchuk wrote:
>>> I'm trying to implement a custom recursive directory synchronization 
>>> resource in Puppet. What I need to do is the following.
>>> I have a YAML file with the list of hostnames and the list of 
>>> directories that should exist on each hostname inside, say, 
>>> `/var/lib/my_app` directory (`deployment.yml`):
>>>     host_1:
>>>       - DIR_1
>>>       - DIR_5
>>>     host_5:
>>>       - DIR_7
>>>     host_6:
>>>       - DIR_2
>>>       - DIR_3
>>>       - DIR_9
>>> On the master I have a directory that contains all of those `DIR_*` 
>>> sub-directories. Each subdirectory contains some files. What I'm trying to 
>>> achieve is to synchronize all the nodes according to the `deployment.yml`, 
>>> so that `/var/lib/my_app` on `host_1` only contains `DIR_1` and `DIR_5`, 
>>> but does not contain `DIR_7`, `DIR_2`, `DIR_3`, `DIR_9`, and so on.
>>> I tried to do this using the ignore variable for file type, but this 
>>> does not remove the directories from the node if I remove them from 
>>> deployment.yml. I tried to write a custom function to remove them 
>>> afterwards, but it does not seem to work inside my manifest. I also wanted 
>>> to implement a custom type, but it seems to be too complicated.
>>> I'd appreciate any help on this.

One reasonably good way to approach this problem is to endow your manifests 
with the knowledge of the full set of possible DIR_*.  You could add that 
as a separate datum, you could create it by merging all the per-host lists, 
or you could perhaps create it by listing the server-side directory in 
which they the master copies live.  You can then generate appropriate File 
resources for every one, specifying whether it should be present or absent.

Alternatively, you certainly can do this with an Exec'ed script.  You 
didn't say much about what you tried in that direction, but something along 
these lines ought to do the trick:

# the join() function comes from the "stdlib" module:
$wanted_dirs_pattern = join($wanted_dirs, '|')

exec { 'clean unwanted myapp/ subdirs':
  command => "/bin/bash -c 'for d in /var/lib/my_app/*; do
    case \$d in $wanted_dirs_pattern) ;; *) /bin/rm -rf \$d;; esac


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