My environment heavily depends on exported resources to detect our mongo 
instances and to populate our haproxies. 

When we bring up and down nodes in AWS "puppet node clean" isn't cleaning 
up the exported resources so we get ghost
machines loaded into those config files.

Up until today I've attempted to limp along by doing:
puppet node clean
sudo puppet cert clean
delete from catalog_resources where title like '%<hostname>%'
delete from resource_params where value like '%<hostname>%'

That's been "pretty good", but today I ran into a problem where even that 
didn't work.

I'm comfortable working in the DB, but what's tough is trying to match the 
hashed ID's across tables (the data model doesn't make it exactly clear 
what's going on)

If someone's already tackled this beast and has a script that does it 
right, that would be fantastic.
I also understand that this is solved in 3.1, but I'm not too keen on 
upgrading to an RC just to
get exported resources working correctly.

If someone has insight into the data model and can help me fill the gaps 
that would be wonderful


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