Hi Guys!
I played with this a bit and perused the Puppet3 docs, and tried a few 
different ways of calling the module with no joy before giving in and 
posting.  I'm kind of new to all this so bear with me.

*Goal of module*
Singular module to hold both a mysql (client) and mysql-server class.  
Module default would be 'mysql', or for mysql-servers we'll call 
mysql::mysql-server which inherits mysql (client).  

*RHEL 6 & Puppet 3.0.2

*Module code*
class mysql {   
        package { 'mysql':
                        ensure => present,
                        before => [
        file { "/etc/my.cnf":
                notify => Service['mysqld'],
                ensure => present,
                mode   => 644,
                owner  => root,
                group  => root,
                replace => true,
                source => [
class mysql-server inherits mysql {
        package { 'mysql-server':
                        ensure => present,
                        before => [
        service { 'mysqld':
                ensure     => running,
                enable     => true,
                hasrestart => true,
                hasstatus  => true,

*Attempts to call mysql-server class in a test node
*node 'server.example.com' {

   - include mysql-server
   - include mysql::mysql-server
   - class {'mysql-server'}
   - class {'mysql::mysql-server'}


None of the above examples work, and I'm pretty sure I've just screwed up 
how to call the mysql-server module, but I'm out of theories on what I've 
messed up.  

Anything jump out to anyone?



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