Hi All,

  Im trying to install but with no luck.  Any idea what I did wrong ?

** mkdir -p /var/log/pe-console-auth
** touch /var/log/pe-console-auth/cas.log
** touch /var/log/pe-console-auth/auth.log
** chmod 770 /var/log/pe-console-auth
** chmod 660 /var/log/pe-console-auth/auth.log
** touch /var/log/pe-console-auth/cas_client.log
** chmod 660 /var/log/pe-console-auth/cas_client.log
** chown -R pe-auth:puppet-dashboard /var/log/pe-console-auth
** chown puppet-dashboard:puppet-dashboard 
** chown pe-auth:pe-auth /opt/puppet/share/console-auth/config.ru
** chown pe-auth:pe-auth /opt/puppet/share/rubycas-server/config.ru
** service pe-httpd restart
Stopping pe-httpd:                                         [  OK  ]
Starting pe-httpd:                                         [  OK  ]
** chown root:root /var/opt/lib/pe-puppet/lib
** cd /opt/puppet/share/puppet-dashboard; 
PATH=/opt/puppet/sbin:/opt/puppet/bin:$PATH rake RAILS_ENV=production 
(in /opt/puppet/share/puppet-dashboard)
** /opt/puppet/bin/passenger-status
----------- General information -----------
max      = 6
count    = 0
active   = 0
inactive = 0
Waiting on global queue: 0

----------- Domains -----------
** cd /opt/puppet/share/puppet-dashboard; 
PATH=/opt/puppet/sbin:/opt/puppet/bin:$PATH rake RAILS_ENV=production 
rake aborted!
400 "Bad Request"

(See full trace by running task with --trace)
(in /opt/puppet/share/puppet-dashboard)


   There was an error running the installation. Please see the last few 
lines of output for more info.


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