Take a look at the yum versionlock plugin.  It allows you to lock a
particular package at a given version for situations like this.  We use the
following define to manage our locked packages.  If I were writing it today
I'd probably use file_line, but it's worked well for us so I've had more
important things to do.

# Actions:
# Implements a versionlock define to make version locking easy
# Requires:
# Sample Usage:
# To lock a package version:
# packages::yum::versionlock{ kernel-uek:
#   epoch   => '(none)',
#   version => '2.6.32',
#   release => '100.26.2.el5',
# }
# To remove a version lock:
# packages::yum::versionlock{ kernel-uek:
#   epoch   => '(none)',
#   version => '2.6.32',
#   release => '100.26.2.el5',
#   ensure  => 'absent',
# }

define packages::yum::versionlock ($epoch,$version,$release,$ensure =
                    $version_lock_list =
'/etc/yum/pluginconf.d/versionlock.list') {

  include packages::yum

  case $ensure {
    present: {
      exec { "yum_add_versionlock_${name}":
        command => "/bin/echo '${epoch}:${name}-${version}-${release}' >>
        unless  => "/bin/grep -q '${epoch}:${name}-${version}-${release}'
        require => Package['yum-versionlock'],
      } # exec
    } # case 'present'
    absent: {
      exec { "yum_del_versionlock_${name}":
        command => "sed -i -e /'${epoch}:${name}-${version}-${release}'/d
        onlyif  => "/bin/grep -q '${epoch}:${name}-${version}-${release}'
        require => Package['yum-versionlock'],
      } # exec
    } # case 'absent'
  } # case $ensure
}  # define

On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 6:40 AM, jcbollinger <john.bollin...@stjude.org>wrote:

> On Friday, January 25, 2013 4:05:37 PM UTC-6, Gonzalo wrote:
>> On Sat, Jan 26, 2013 at 1:38 AM, jcbollinger <john.bo...@stjude.org>wrote:
>>> Puppet's architecture does not lend itself to constructing values
>>> iteratively, and what Hiera brings to the table in that area does not apply
>>> to the scenario you describe.  There are a couple of ways you might be able
>>> to work around Puppet's constraints there, but before you go that way I
>>> would suggest that you consider alternative strategies.
>>> Let's start with why you want to add package exclusions to yum.conf via
>>> multiple modules.  I have some ideas of why you might be trying to
>>> implement such a design, but I'd prefer to avoid guessing.
>> Hi John,
>> Thanks for your reply.
>> To be honest, I think in this particular case it's more about trying to
>> work out how to solve this type of problem, perhaps not necessarily useful
>> with this exclude line issue. One hypothetical example might be
>> constructing a "users=" line for some config file and I want to set users
>> from various modules to construct the line.
> As I said, Puppet's architecture does not lend itself to that kind of
> thing.  In particular, variables and resource properties can be assigned
> values only once each.  Moreover, it is pretty much always a mistake for
> manifest sets to attempt introspection, as this introduces unneeded extra
> sensitivity to manifest parse order.  Instead, one generally needs to step
> back and take a different approach.
> One such approach might be to build up your data in a custom external node
> classifier (ENC), which provides it to your classes via either a global
> Puppet variable or a class parameter.
> Another approach is for modules to declare independent resources instead
> of collaborating on a single resource.  The Concat add-on module, for
> example, provides a way to implement that for files.  You could, in
> principle, implement similar facilities to serve other purposes.
> Or you may find that you don't actually need quite the degree of
> flexibility you describe after all.
>> For this exclude line question, I have a class that many nodes "include"
>> and they all need to exclude one particular RPM to ensure a "yum update"
>> never upgrades it. These same servers "include" another class, which also
>> have a package to be excluded. Do you have any ideas on how to solve this
>> type of problem?
> For packages in particular, you have additional options:
>    1. In your Package declarations, you can use ensure => 'present' or
>    even ensure => '<package-version>' instead of ensure => 'latest'.  That
>    won't prevent a manual package update, but it will prevent Puppet from
>    performing unwanted package updates.  The variation where you specify a
>    package version may even get Puppet to revert unwanted manual updates.
>    2. You really ought to take control of your package repositories.
>    Creating and curating local repositories not only ensures access and
>    reduces demands on your network connection to the outside world, but it
>    also allows you to exercise complete control over what packages are
>    available for installation / update.  Depending on your package management
>    system, local repositories may confer additional benefits.  For example, on
>    'yum'-based systems you might consider looking at the yum-priorities and
>    yum-protectbase plugins.
> John
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