Thank you all for your feedback. 

For anyone looking to do the same here is what i ended up with, I would 
appreciate any recommendations if there is a better way to do this, I find 
it dirty and think it should be done in the 'view' layer :)

==== Class for node that is providing the IP address

class primarydatabase  {
  include concat::setup

  @@concat::fragment {'databaseIP' :
    content => $::ipaddress,

==== Class for node that needs the IP address

class base {
  include concat::setup

  package { 'htop':
    ensure => installed,

   $db_file = "/root/database.yml"

      owner => root,
      group => root,
      mode  => '0644',

   concat::fragment { "${db_file}.header":
      target => $db_file,
      content => "# Managed By Puppet\n\n",
      order   => '01',

  concat::fragment {"${db_file}_production_database_config" :
    target => $db_file,
    content => "production:\n  host: ",
    order => 100,

  Concat::Fragment <<| title == 'databaseIP' |>> {
    target => $db_file,
    order => 101,

On Thursday, January 24, 2013 10:55:33 AM UTC-5, Brian Malinconico wrote:
> Hello All,
> I'm reviewing switching to puppet from chef and am trying to identify how 
> to port the various features.
> I have hit a stumbling block searching for nodes. In Chef i could search 
> for a node by role, but I am lost as how to do this with puppet and classes.
> Example:
> I want my load-balancing node  to look for all application server nodes 
> and grab their ip address (and hostname ideally).
> I have setup PuppetDB, and have looked at 
> but i am having trouble 
> crafting my queries.
> Is there a way to view all available fields in PuppetDB? I am having 
> trouble getting the curl commands to work.
> Brian

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