On Wednesday, January 4, 2012 5:04:34 PM UTC-8, Jo wrote:
> Step 1: Upgrade Ruby
The puppetlabs-deps repo 
has ruby 1.8.7 RPMs

> For the passenger server, you'll need to get the source RPM from stealth 
> monkeys.  You don't need to change anything at all -- just build the SRC 
> rpm and it will adjust everything to use Ruby 1.8.7.  Very simple.
> wget 
> http://passenger.stealthymonkeys.com/SRPMS/rubygem-passenger-3.0.11-1.src.rpm
> rpm -i rubygem-passenger-3.0.11-1.src.rpm
> rpmbuild -ba ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/passenger.spec

I ran into httpd.h and apr_pools.h not found errors even though I have 
those RPMs installed.  If I add -I/usr/include/httpd -I/usr/include/apr-1 
to the gcc line that gets run, it works. Any idea of how to incorporate 
these into the rpmbuild process?



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