Notify is not a function. It is a resource type. It essentially logs on the 
client by putting a message in the client's catalog.

alert, crit, debug, emerg, err, info, notice and warning are functions. 
They will record a message to the server's log at the specified level. 
Parsing and execution will continue. I did not list the levels in any 
particular order.

fail is also a function. It is a way to programatically cause a parse 
failure. The error will be logged and execution on the current node will 

I'm not sure what you mean about ErrorLog. Where did you see it?

On Friday, January 18, 2013 5:13:35 AM UTC-8, wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a tutorial on exceptions and error management in puppet script ?
> I read the manual  and found information which is confusing for me.
> There is the notify function which seems to be executed on agent.
> There are functions like notice, alert, fail and so on which are executed 
> on server.
> And I read the ErrorLog word.
> So how to put all things together, what is the right policy ?
> Cordialement,
> Bernard Granier
> CE Plateforme Système
> <javascript:>
> 01 58 11 32 51
> #
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