Where does the file exist on the filesystem?

This is somewhat counter-intuitive until you do it a few times.  The
source path in the manifest is:
but in the filesystem, the file should be under
You may have missed the "files" in there on the filesystem.  At first
glance the URL is just a straight path, but Puppet treats it more like
a list of arguments that it processes.

Also, you might find clues in the log files on the master, probably in
syslog somewhere.

❧ Brian Mathis

On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 7:11 PM, Brigzzy Briggs <brig...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Sorry if this is a really remedial question, but I cannot find the answer to
> my problem anywhere else.  I am trying to learn puppet, and am creating a
> basic ntp module, that should install the ntp package (Which it does), then
> copy the ntp.conf file (Which it does not) and then start the service (Which
> it does).  Could someone please look at the init.pp file below and tell me
> what I am doing wrong?  Is there a line or a parameter that I missed in
> there somewhere?
> It is worth noting that both the client and server are Ubuntu 12.10.
> Thanks :)
> class ntp {
> package { 'ntp':
> ensure => latest,
> }
> file { '/etc/ntp.conf':
> ensure => file,
> source => 'puppet:///modules/ntp/ntp.conf',
> owner => root,
> group => root,
> mode => 0444,
> require => Package['ntp'],
> notify => Service['ntp'],
> }
> service { 'ntp':
> ensure => 'running',
> enable => 'true',
> }
> }
> --
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