The time has come for us to say good-bye to Puppet 2.6.x.  Puppet
2.6.x will be end of life on April 30, 2013.

Puppet 2.6.0 first launched July 20, 2010.  Since that time, we've had
two major version of Puppet, 2.7.x and the new semantically versioned
Puppet 3 series.

Puppet 2.7.x is largely on a major-bugfix/security process already,
but no end of life for it has been announced.  Puppet 3 is being
actively developed with Puppet 3.1 currently in a release candidate

We do have an upgrading guide available: and as always, help
is available in IRC, on mailing lists, and

Mike Stahnke
Director of Software Delivery
Puppet Labs

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